Friday, January 9, 2015

Exciting Updates at East!

Happy New Year!

I hope 2015 is off to a great start for everyone! We are rapidly approaching the end of the second quarter, and I just wanted to take a few minutes to share some updates, spread some news, and give you some updates on things that are coming up in regards to the support we are all providing to students at East in the areas of literacy.

The Writing Center is FAST Approaching! 

Some who were here a year or two ago will remember that East had a writing center, with tutors from UNC who were part of our district's CoachWrite program serving as staff, that allowed students to sign up for appointments and receive assistance on a writing assignment or ongoing writing work. I am happy to say that it looks like we will be reopening the center soon! I am working with CoachWrite director Stuart Phillips on staffing, hours of operation, and setting up times with the student director soon. Stay tuned for an official announcement and more information!

Tips for PDP Writing Goal Support

So you've updated your PDP with information on how you are implementing one of the Common Core writing standards into your instruction. Now what? You may be stuck on the scope of the standard, how to progress with implementing the standard further, or how to further incorporate assignments and formative assessments that have students writing in a way that feels natural for you. If you would like some assistance with this, feel free to reach out to me and I'll happily support you in this. Even if it's just talking through an idea, just know that support for continually implementing your goal is here!

Learning Focused Lessons/Max Thompson Work
Yesterday, January 8th, was the second round of training on the Max Thompson strategies for the Civics and Biology PLCs. The discussion focused around incorporating higher order thinking strategies and techniques into our lesson planning, and the discussion was heavily geared towards having us review our own practice and consider how we might ensure that we are challenging our students to do higher level thinking and work. Now that everyone has access to the Learning Focused materials, I would encourage you to ask you peers in those PLCs, or any member of the administration or myself, about the material and was that you might check for HOTS in your planning!

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities! 
I have thoroughly enjoyed the PD sessions I have had with you all this year, and I'm hoping to continue the pattern of offering one a month, during the school day, where teachers have the option to come during their planning period and receive a 45-minute "course" on a particular aspect of literacy instruction and/or instructional support. I am hoping to have one in January (AFTER the beginning of third quarter) either centered on graphic organizers, close reading strategies, or summarizing strategies. All of these will certainly be topics at some point this year. If you have a suggestion for a session topic, please send it my way!

Have a fabulous weekend. Please let me know how I can assist and support what you do!

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